What SHOULD Be Spoken About on the 4th of July

Without naming the genocides that have happened—and continue to happen—towards the Indigenous peoples of America for 500+ years…celebrating freedom is thin, insensitive, and quite hypocritical. May we face and learn, understand and integrate our history, so we can contribute to the collective healing and teach future generations to make wiser and more peaceful choices.

Photo from www.Native-Land.ca.

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The Fact of the Surprise

Yesterday, we witnessed White Supremacists storming the capitol. My loves, this violence and pain is not new. This is the terror that has been happening in North America since it was colonized. This is the same terror BIPOC people have been speaking to for over 500 years. It’s time we listen to the storytellers; we must change our narrative, and quickly.

Photo by Dan Botan on Unsplash.com.

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The Post-Covid Unfurling

And a little vision came to me. Can you imagine what's going to happen when we are finally free to ‘move about the cabin’? Can you JUST IMAGINE the explosion of art and creativity we will some day experience? Can you imagine how FUN it will be?


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